قولاي تىزىملىك
بېكەت تەۋسىيەسى:
كۆرۈش: 4828|ئىنكاس: 21

جۇڭگودىكى قىستاڭچىلىق

[ئۇلانما كۆچۈرۈش]







ئاكتىپ ئەزا

ئۆسۈش   80.37%

ئەزا ئۇچۇرى
تىزىم نۇمۇرى:  1535
يازما سانى: 186
نادىر تېمىسى: 0
مۇنبەر پۇلى: 828
تۆھپە : 802
توردىكى ۋاقتى: 236
ئاخىرقى: 2016-1-27
يوللىغان ۋاقتى 2013-2-26 17:39:25 |ھەممە قەۋەتنى كۆرۈش
جۇڭگولۇقلار قىستىلىشنى ياخشى كۆرىدۇ. قىستىلىش ئارقىلىق ئۈمۈدكە،نەتىجىگە ئېرىشىدۇ.قىستىلىش ئارقىلىق پەخىرلىنىدۇ.ھەتتا قىستىلىش ئارقىلىق ئۆز ئالدىغا گۈزەل مەنزىرە ھاسىل قىلىدۇ.
1.تۇغۇت قىستاڭچىلىقى: كۆپلىگەن ئاياللار ياخشى كۈن،ياخشى ۋاقىتتا،خاتىرە كۈنلەردە،چوڭ شەھەر،تەرەققى قىلغان دۆلەتلەرگە چىقىپ بالا يەڭگىشكىمۇ قىستىلىدۇ. ئۆزى يەڭگىشتىن قېچىپ تۇغۇت ئوپىراتسىيىسى قىلىشقا قىستىلىدۇ.
2.مەكتەپ قىستاڭچىلىقى : قىسمەن كىشى بالىسىنى نۇقتىلىق بالىلار باغچىسى،باشلانغۇچ مەكتەپ،ئوتتۇرا مەكتەپ ۋەئالى مەكتەپلەردە ئوقىتىش ئۈچۈن قىستىلىدۇ.ئادەم تېپىپ،مۇناسىۋەتكە تايىنىپ،بالىسىنى ئارزۇ قىلغان مەكتەپكە كىرگۈزۈشكىمۇ قىستىلىدۇ.
3.قاتناش قىستاڭچىلىقى: جۇڭگودا ئاممىۋى ئاپتۇبۇس،مېترو،پۇيىز،ھەتتا ئايرۇپىلانلاردىمۇ قىستاڭچىلىق ئۈزۈلمەيدۇ. ئادەملەر ئالدىن چىقىش،ئورۇن ئېلىش ئۈچۈن،بىر-بىرى بىلەن قىستىلىپ،5000يىللىق تارىخقا ئىگە -دۆلەتنىڭ«گۈزەل ئەخلاقى»نى نامايەن قىلىدۇ. شۇ قىستاڭچىلىق سەۋەپلىك يوقۇرى سۈرئەتلىك يول ئاستا سۈرئەتلىك يولغا ،ئاپتۇبۇس،مېترولار چانباسچىلىق مەيدانىغا ئايلىنىپ قالىدۇ
4.دوختۇرخانا قىستاڭچىلىقى: يېزا ،كەنتلەردىكىلەر بازارلىق دوختۇرخانىغا،بازاردىكىلەرناھىلىك دوختۇرخانىغا،ناھىدىكىلەر شەھەرلىك دوختۇرخانىغا،شەھەرلىكلەر داڭلىق دوختۇرخانىلارغا قىستىلىدۇ.كېسىلى يوقلار بەدەن تەكشۇرۇش ئۈچۈن تۇرلۈك ئۈسكۈنىلەر ئالدىغا قىستىلىدۇ.ئادەتتىكى كېسەلگە گىرىپتار بولغانلار ئۆزىدىن ئەنسىرەپ،دوختۇرنىڭ دىياگنۇزىغا تىزرەك ئېرىشىپ خاتىرجەم بولۇش ئۈچۈن قىستىلىدۇ.ئېغىر كېسەلگە گىرىپتار بولغانلار بولسا،مۇتەخەسىسلەرنىڭ ئىشىكى ئالدىغا قىستىلىدۇ.
5.كەسىپتىكى قىستاڭچىلىق:خىزمىتى،ھوقۇقى يوقلار جاننى باققۇدەك خىزمەت،كىچىك بولسىمۇ بىر ئەمەلگە ئېرىشىش ئۈچۈن ئارقا ئىشىك ئىزدەش يولىغا قىستىلىدۇ.خىزمەتتىن كۆڭلى سۇ ئىچمەيدىغان،ئەمىلى بىر ئاز تۆۋەن بولغانلار ياخشى خىزمەت،ئەسلىدىكىدىن يوقۇرراق ئەمەلگە ئېرىشىش ئۈچۈن قىستىلىدۇ.
6مەنزىرگاھتىكى قىستاڭچىلىق:ئالتۇن دەم ئېلىش كۈنلىرىدە كىشىلەر ئائىلىسىدىكىلەر،دوست-بۇرادەرلىرى بىلەن بىللە داڭلىق مەنزىرگاھلاردا باشقىلار بىلەن قىستىلىپ يۈرۈپگۈزەل مەنزىرلەردىن «زوق»ئالىدۇ.
7.ئىمتىھان قىستاڭچىلىقى:ئۇدا ئۈچ يىلدىن بۇيانقى دۆلەت مەمۇرى قوبۇل قىلىش ئىمتىھانىدا خىزمىتى بار-يوق كىشىلەر قىستىلىشتىن قۇتىلالمىدى.
8.قەبرىستانلىقتىكى قىستاڭچىلىق:ئۆلگەنلەرمۇ،ھاياتلارمۇ ،ياشانغانلارمۇ،ياشلارمۇ ،قەبرە ئۈچۈن قىستىلىپ،قەبرىنى بىباھا قىلىۋەتتى.شۇ سەۋەبلىك نامراتلار ئۆلسە جەسىتىنى كۆمگىدەك يەرگە ئېرىشەلمىگەنلىكتىن قايغۇرىدىغان بولۇپ قالدى.
مەنبە:«شىنجاڭ قانۇنچىلىق گېزىتى»2013.2.1







ئاكتىپ ئەزا

ئۆسۈش   50.6%

ئەزا ئۇچۇرى
تىزىم نۇمۇرى:  8699
يازما سانى: 455
نادىر تېمىسى: 0
مۇنبەر پۇلى: 180
تۆھپە : 905
توردىكى ۋاقتى: 577
ئاخىرقى: 2015-11-13
يوللىغان ۋاقتى 2013-2-26 18:15:16 |ھەممە قەۋەتنى كۆرۈش
بۇ يازمىنى ئاخىرىدا   !uyghurjan تەھرىرلىگەن. ۋاقتى  2013-2-27 12:50  

راس دەيسىز ئادەم ئۆزىنىڭ زىمىنىدا ، ئۆلگەندە يېتىش ئۈچۈن بىر كىشىلىك يەرگىمۇ ئىگە بولالمايدىكەن .
<< باللارنى دەپ يول ئالدۇق>> دىگەن تىمىغا كىرسەم ، ئۈچۈرۋىتىلگەن دىگەن خەت چىقىۋالدى ، بىرە ئىش بولغانمىدۇ ؟

ئانا تىلىم-جان ت







ئاكتىپ ئەزا

ئۆسۈش   2.37%

ئەزا ئۇچۇرى
تىزىم نۇمۇرى:  8290
يازما سانى: 91
نادىر تېمىسى: 0
مۇنبەر پۇلى: 164
تۆھپە : 552
توردىكى ۋاقتى: 770
ئاخىرقى: 2015-4-3
يوللىغان ۋاقتى 2013-2-26 18:18:06 |ھەممە قەۋەتنى كۆرۈش
قايسى كۈنى لىفىت ساقلاۋېتىپ بىر قانچە يولداشلارنىڭ ئۆز-ئارا قىستاشقاچ (ئەمەلىيەتتە قىستالمىسىمۇ بۇلاتتى) چەتئەللىكلەر جۇڭگولۇقلارنى قىستىلىشنى ياخشى كۈرىدۇ دەيدىكەن دىيىشۋاتقانلىقىنى ئاڭلاپ قالدىم.ئەمەلىيەتتە مۇشۇ خەقلەر قىستىلىشقا ھەممىدىن بەك ئامراقمىكىن دەيمەن.

.مىللەتنىڭ كەلگۈ







تۆھپىكار ئەزا

ئۆسۈش   47.72%

ئەزا ئۇچۇرى
تىزىم نۇمۇرى:  11308
يازما سانى: 532
نادىر تېمىسى: 0
مۇنبەر پۇلى: 1416
تۆھپە : 1298
توردىكى ۋاقتى: 295
ئاخىرقى: 2014-7-21
يوللىغان ۋاقتى 2013-2-26 18:40:35 |ھەممە قەۋەتنى كۆرۈش
دىمۇكراتىيىدىكى قىستاڭچىلىق:بۇيرۇكراتلار بىر-بىرىگە يول قويماي قىزغىنلىق بىلەن ھوقۇقدارلارنىڭ دىمۇكراتىيىسى ئۈچۈن يۇقۇردىن تۆۋەنگە،cctvدىن ytv......غىچە،خوشاللىق بىلەن قىستىلىشىدۇ!
مىللىي باراۋەرلىكتىكى قىستاڭچىلىق:خەنلەر ئازسانلىق مىللەتلەرنىڭ باراۋەرلىكى ئۈچۈن جان دىل بىلەن ئاۋۋال ئۆزىنى قۇتۇلدۇرۇش ئاندىن باشقىلارنى بىقىندۇرۇش سىياسىتى ئارقىلىق مىللىي تىروتورىيىلەرنىڭ ئاپتونومىيىسىنى زور كۈچ بىلەن قىستايدۇ.
بايلىق قىستاڭچىلىقى:ھەر قايسى رايونلارنىڭ ھەرخىل بايلىقلىرىنى ئاز سانلىقلار كۆپسانلىقلارنى تىزگىنلەش سىياسىتىدىكى ئىقتىسادىي مەنبە قىلىپ، ئاۋۋال ئوتتۇرا تۈزلەڭلىك ،ئاشقىنىنى ئۆزلىرى دىگەن پەتىۋا بىلەن كۆپلەرنىڭ يىتەكلىشىدە بايلىق قىستىلىشىدۇ!
تىل قىستاڭچىلىقى:چوڭ تىلنى يىتەكچى فاڭجىن،تەرەققىي قىلىشنىڭ ئاچقۇچى قىلىپ، باشقا مىللىي تىللار تەرەققىياتقا ماس كەلمىگەچكە چوڭ تىل بىلەن كىچىك تىل ئوتتۇرسىدىكى پەرىقنى يوقۇتۇش ۋە مىللەتلەرنىڭ قوشۇلىشىدىن ئىبارەت بۈيۈك بىرلىكنى قوغلىشىپ ئانا تىلنى قوغداشنى تەشەببۇس قىلىدىغان جاھىل ئۇنسۇرلار بىلەن تىلنى بىرلىككە كەلتۈرۈش تەرەپتاردىكىلەر قىستىلىشىدۇ..........
نۇرغۇن قىستاڭچىلىقلار بار ئىدى ئۆزۈممۇ قىستىلىپ كەتمەي دەپ يازمىدىم!







ئاكتىپ ئەزا

ئۆسۈش   27.73%

ئەزا ئۇچۇرى
تىزىم نۇمۇرى:  14959
يازما سانى: 260
نادىر تېمىسى: 0
مۇنبەر پۇلى: 180
تۆھپە : 766
توردىكى ۋاقتى: 146
ئاخىرقى: 2014-10-10
يوللىغان ۋاقتى 2013-2-26 19:13:53 |ھەممە قەۋەتنى كۆرۈش
يەجۈجۈ يەمەن جۈجۈ.








تۆھپىكار ئەزا

ئۆسۈش   27.2%

ئەزا ئۇچۇرى
تىزىم نۇمۇرى:  12176
يازما سانى: 577
نادىر تېمىسى: 0
مۇنبەر پۇلى: 341
تۆھپە : 1688
توردىكى ۋاقتى: 329
ئاخىرقى: 2016-4-22
يوللىغان ۋاقتى 2013-2-26 19:40:12 |ھەممە قەۋەتنى كۆرۈش
ياخشى تېمىكەن ئاللاھ رەھمەت قىلسۇن مىنىڭ تۈۋەندىكى خەنزۇچە -.ئىنگىلىزچە  دوختۇرغا ئائىت تۈۋەندىكى تېمامنى خنەزۇچە -ئىنگىلىزچە تورلارغا چىقىرىپ بىرىشىڭلارنى ئۈمۈد قىلىمەن مەن  شۇنچە تىرىشقان  بولساممۇ  يوللىيالمىدىم ، ھەمممىڭلارغا ئاللاھ كۆپرەھمەت قىلسۇن .
63 Whys
Hello! I am very glade to make friends with you. Would you like to be a friend of mine? Is there anyone who can give me a hand? I really hope that someone can help me.
The people of all nationalities and netizen, we are all brothers, born and raised by parents. Though we speak different languages, our hearts are combined with each other and we are harmoniously living in this world.
In the following parts, I will tell you what happened to me. I hope you can read this article carefully and discriminate right from wrong. Wish Allah bless all of us.
I want to ask: Why was not my case dealt with according to law?
Acting without law. Where is the justice? Legal policies are good, but still there is someone who tries hard to get rid of the restriction of these legal policies.
Why did those people offending the law and the discipline escape the legal punishment?
    Why did they escape from their responsibilities?
Why is there no any judicial expertise for this situation?
No radius, no rules. It should be the same as law!!!
For the stability of our country, the law enforcement officials should set an example for people!!!
And people will take them as an example.
My name is Ubulasan Abdukerim and from Aktax Village, Laskuy Township, Hotan City. Because of misfortunes one after another, I became a disabled person. In order to protect my lawful right, I have been continuously submitting litigation to the higher authorities in 9 years. For this reason, I have paid over one hundred and fifty thousand Yuan, making me get into economic trouble.
Tel: 13150498983
QQ: 1843064220
Brief Introduction to the Case: On January 27, 2004, the Group leaders came here and evened out the cotton of 1067.2 hectare, which cost 1665 Yuan. Then they built greenhouses. However, they (Mattohti Tursunniyaz and Aziz Tursunniyaz) did not return the cost and taxes. I was even requested to pay the livestock vaccine fees of 15 Yuan. During the process of paying back taxes, they had an argument with my wife, and my wife was slammed to the ground and they began to beat her. I wanted to stop them, but the village head’s brother hit me hard to the head with a stick, making my head hurt. Finally, they hid my child. All of my families looked around but without any result. As I was seriously injured, the Group leader brought me to the Rakipjan Clinic to make CT examination (CT No.: 1638). The CT picture shown that my left head is serious haematoma; neck is comminuted fracture; subarachnoid hemorrhage; coma, vomit, mouth-foaming, strabismus. Although I had these obvious symptoms, Doctor Rakipjan violated medical ethics, secretly communicating with the local Health Bureau and making a fake medical report. Doctor Abulat brought me out of the hospital and told me: “The CT result is normal, and you can recover after 12 days of treatment.” Then he took me home. Because all the people went out to find my child, no one covered the greenhouses of 80 meters, which made all tomatoes get cold and I got lost about ten thousand Yuan.
The local Health Bureau’s relevant workers did not have the medical ethnics and not tell the truth. Doctor should be responsible for saving patients’ lives, but they made such a fake medical report, which not only delayed my treatment but also seriously violated my rights. The Health Bureau’s No.2 diagnosis report says there is no relation between head hurt and disability. And it also says my body condition is normal, but this does not conform to the fact. Because of their fake behavior, I did not remain any convincing evidence to protect my right and made me become a disabled person.
As the following statements from the local Health Bureau say, please tell me whether my current body condition is healthy and normal or disabled?
I sincerely hope people can help me to distinguish the evidences and the answers.
In the proof with 135 pages of the case and relevant questions as follows:
1. 为什么(大队领导)买题托合•吐尔孙尼亚孜,艾则孜•吐尔孙尼亚孜为了向我索要罚款将我打成了残废,而两天之后(即1月28日)不仅向我索要处罚金,还说要将剩余的金额以发票的形式还给我?
1. Why did the Group leaders Mattohti Tursunniyaz and Aziz Tursunniyaz ask me to give them fines and beat me to a disabled person? Why did the tell me they return the rest money to me in the form of an invoice after 2 days (namely January 28)?
2. 如果他们将罚金从要退还给我的税金中扣除,并且把剩余的钱还给我就不会有后来的这些纠纷了,他们为什么没有那样做?
2. If they excluded the fines from the taxes and returned the rest money to me, all of this would not happen. Why don’t they do so?
3. 为什么大队领导没有将我这个重伤病人带到正规医院去检查治疗?
3. Why did not the Group leader bring me to a regular hospital to examine body?
4. 为什么热克甫江医生安排了一些没有医德的工作人员为我出诊断报告?
4. Why did Doctor Rakipjan arrange some workers do not have medical ethnics to do the report for me?
5. 为什么热克甫江医生作为外科医生却做内科的诊断报告,将这件事转手到没有医德的阿不来提•买题托合提,使其做出了假的诊断报告???
5. Why did Doctor Rakipjan, as a surgeon make an internal medicine diagnosis report and passed the work to Ablat Mattohti and made a fake diagnose??? -
6. 既然已经做出了所谓正常的诊断报告,为什么阿不来提•买题托合提将诊断报告交给热克甫江医生后还要将我带到狭小简陋的诊疗室进行检查?
6. Since the so-called normal diagnosis report had been made, why did Ablat Mattohti bring me to a small and simple room to examine after he handed over the report?
7. 地区卫生局于2005年3月1日对本人进行了CT摄片(摄片号为00910),同时还有在热克甫江医生那里做的第1638号CT摄片,其中就能明显看出头部左骨有严重血肿,但是为什么他们能做出假的诊断报告?
7. The local Health Bureau made a CT result (CT No.: 00910) for me on March 1, 2005, and also the No.1638 CT result by Rakipjan, in which it is obvious that my left head is serious haematoma. But why could they make a fake diagnose?
8. The local Health Bureau made the diagnosis report on April 13, 2005 in accordance with the No.1638 CT result of January 27, 2004, which shows that my left head is serious haematoma; neck is comminuted fracture; subarachnoid hemorrhage).
9. 为什么热克甫江医生没有根据2004年1月27号的1638号CT摄片做出正确的诊断报告?
9. Why did not Doctor Rakipjan make a right diagnosis report in accordance with the No.1638 CT result of January 27, 2004?
10. 为什么当初急诊部诊断我的情况为正常,却因此延误了病情,最终使我致残,并显现出脑部充血等症状?
10. Why did the clinic tell me I was normal? But the truth was I became a disabled person because of the delay of my treatment, and cerebral blood flow appeared.
11. 2004年1月27日出示的第1638号CT摄片及地区卫生局出示的第00910号CT摄片经专家及医生进行鉴定:大脑左骨出现血肿,颈骨粉碎性骨折压迫小脑,头部淤血至今未得到清理,毛细血管破裂等情况。为什么地区卫生局专家、医生与被告热克甫江仅仅在2005年4月20日又相互勾结制造了假的诊断书?
11. The No.1638 CT result of January 27, 2004 and the NO. 00910 CT results of the local Health Bureau were identified by the experts and doctors and they concluded: my left bone of brain is haematoma, neck is comminuted fracture and pressed by the cerebellum; extravasated blood in brain does not clear up; capillaries is broken. So why did the experts and doctors of the local Health Bureau collude with the defendant on April 20, 2005 and make this fake diagnosis report?
12. 为什么先正规医院医生塔河尔(音译)与胡永清(音译)在2004年4月20日诊断出本人受到了重伤?
12. Why did Doctor Taher and Hu Yongqing of the regular hospital diagnose on April 20, 2005 that I was badly injured?
13. 正规医院的医生诊断出本人受了重创,但为什么那些没有医德的医务人员却做出了假的诊断报告,进而导致了我成为残疾人,为什么没有人过问他们这些没有医德的医务人员(热克甫江,买买提江•阿布杜力米提(音译),阿不来提•买题托合提)?为什么不给他们定罪呢?
13. The doctors from the regular hospital diagnosed that I was badly injured, but why those medical workers without medical ethnics could make a fake diagnosis report? What was worse, because of their behavior, I became a disabled person. Why were not those people (Rakipjan, Mamatjan Abdulimit, and Ablat Mattohti) published by the law? Why did not the law convict their guilty?
14. 为什么市公安局不愿意受理热克甫江医生等相关被告人员的案件呢?
14. Why did not the municipal police want to handle the case of these relevant defendants like Doctor Rakipjan?
15. 为什么市检察院不愿意受理热克甫江医生等相关被告人员的案件呢?
15. Why did not the municipal procuratorate handle the case of these relevant defendants like Doctor Rakipjan?
16. 为什么和田市人民法院一直不愿意根据刑法第170条、第171条对第100条提问接受民事诉讼,高级人民法院不能根据注释的第三款对地区卫生局及热克甫江医生等人的案件作以开庭审理?
16. Why did not the People’s Court of Hotan accept the civil litigation according to the No.170 and 171 of Criminal Law, and why didi not the Higher People's Court hold a court hearing as to the local Health Bureau and Doctor Rakipjan in according to the noted third article?
17. 地区卫生局已作出了鉴定,为什么不以急救措施第33条规定作以相应解决?
17. The local Health Bureau had made identification, but why was not it dealt with according to No. 33 of the emergency treatment?
18. 热克甫江医生没有对我做急救及治疗措施,为什么不对他们这些不正规的医生所作出的不负责任的行为加以追究呢?
18. Doctor Rakipjan did not make emergency treatment and therapeutic measure to me. Why did these illegal doctors escape from their irresponsible behaviors?
19. 为什么要违反国家的相关法律规定而使热克甫江诊所等逃脱法律追究呢?
19. Why could the Rakipjan Clinic violating the national law and regulations get rid of the legal sanction?
20. 自治区卫生厅对此做出了批驳,为什么不能根据急救措施第8条:“耽误患者医救分秒,危及患者性命”这一规定对我采取抢救措施呢?
20. The Health Department of Autonomous Region made an argument that, why did not they take medical measures to me in accordance with the No. 8 emergency treatment: “Every minute counts, because it determines patient’s life.”
21. 为什么不对延误急救治疗这一责任作以追究呢?
21. Why was not the behavior of delay of emergence treatment dealt with?
22. 为什么不根据第28条:将所有与责任相关的资料以照片形式留存这一规定执行?
22. Why did not all the relevant materials refer to responsibility remain in the form of photos in accordance with the regulation of No. 28.
23. 为什么不追究克甫江医生等人的责任?
23. Why did not Doctor Rakipjan and so on hold the responsibility?
24. Why was Mamatjan Abdulimit indentified that he have no the qualification after investigation?
25. 为什么不愿意追究这些没有医师资格人员的责任呢?
25. Why could the people without medical qualification escape their responsibility?
26. The State Council’s official document points out that: questioning in accordance with legal program. But why did not deal with the case according to this regulation?  
27. The Health Bureau and Doctor Rakipjan made a diagnosis of normal condition by just looking at a CT picture. But after I became a disabled person, I was diagnosed I had hematoncus in brain. Since the Health Bureau had issued the official document, and regulated: no matter what kind of demand the patient asked, their demand should be implemented and questioned according to the legal procedure. But why did not they do this?
28. Why did the local Health Bureau violate the above regulation made by the State Council and present a wrong diagnosis report? Is this right? Why did they violate the regulation of emergence solution and measure of Item 37 and 39 of Article 5?
29. If the local Health Bureau presented the right diagnosis, why did they show another diagnosis report and why was I identified badly injured?
30. Why did the court make a decision in 2006 about putting me into prison for 6 years?
31. I complained the local Health Bureau to the court, but why did the court show No. 442 paper of civil judgment in 2009?
31. Why was I told that the court should handle the administrative litigation about the local Health Bureau’s dereliction of duty?
33. In this case, why did not they handle the administrative litigation about the local Health Bureau’s dereliction of duty?
34. 为什么在这件诉讼案中原告能准确地根据法律相关条提出3项17条要求,同时要求赔付10499144元,并指认出被告呢?
34. Why did the plaintiff correctly come up with demands of 3 articles with 17 items in this case, request to get compensation of 10,499,144Yuan totally and identify the defendant?
35. Since these requirements were reasonable, why did they refuse?
36. Since they had known clearly about the fact of the case, why did they say carrying out after they investigated thoroughly?
37. Why did not the court want to find out the responsible?
38. Why did they say, “We are a department lower than the local Health Bureau, so we have no right to interfere?”
39. Why the local Middle People’s Court dismiss my litigation, affirm the judgment of No.424 People’s Court, and make the judgment  of (2009) No. 38. Also, they told me, “We are at the same class as the local Health Bureau, so we have no power to interfere their affairs. Then they transferred my case to the Higher People’s Court. I thought if the Middle People’s Court had the power to handle it, the Higher People’s Court shall have the power.
40. Since the Higher People’s Court of Autonomous Region told me what I had done was an action of protecting my own legal right, why did they dismiss my litigation and affirm the original judgment of No. 424 and 38?
41. Since the action of protecting my legal right was correct, and the local Health Bureau did not have interest conflict, why did not find out the responsible and cancel the fake diagnosis report? Why did they tell me that I recognized the wrong person?
42. Since the responsible person had been found, why did not disclose their ID cards?
43. Since there were not legal dispute among the local Health Bureau and medical workers of Rakipjan Clinic, and also the diagnosis report had been made proving that I was healthy, why can not it be decided whether the result is right or wrong?
44. Why is there no any judicial expertise as to the diagnosis report?
45. If the local Health Bureau can make a clear statement about the diagnosis report, and identify the result, then the responsible person will be found.
If the local Health Bureau’s above behavior is wrong, then it is very reasonable to identify the local Health Bureau as the responsible part.
46. If the local Health Bureau’s above behavior is right and no legal dispute, then it can be considered as an action of covering up for all the relevant responsible persons in this case!!!
47. The General Offices of the Autonomous Region made an order on July 20, 2007 about giving answer within 2 months to the Higher People’s Court. However, since now there is no any written answer about it and just informed the case was ended in verbal form.
48.  Representative of autonomous region told me they had no power to interfere the court and let me wait the court answer them and would give me an answer in written form.
49. I was confused about the statement of the representative of autonomous region.
50. The notice from the Complaint Receiving Office of the National People's Congress of Autonomous Region says: we accept the following cases: 5 kinds of complaints and unconstitutional actions from the Higher People’s Court and People's Procuratorate. Then why not accept my complaint?   
51. Why did you have no power to interfere? Since you accepted the case, why not hear it?
    52. Since you accepted the case, why did you ignore my case?
53. These things cost a lot of money and made me fatigue both mentally and physically. But the result was not what I wanted, and it even got me into such situation.
54. Does the judicial department of the National People’s Congress and the relevant departments or the false diagnosis report have the legal effect? Since I had handed the litigation, why did not inform the upper and lower department in written form that they have the legal power?
55. 在上述中所涉及伪造诊断结果的哪些人员为什么没有被给予依法惩戒,而仍然给他们发工资呢?
55. Why are not those people involved in forging the diagnosis report published by the law and why do they still have wages?
56. 因没有书面证明国家公务人员具有法律权利,那么他们如何能维护像我这样一个平民的合法权益呢???
56. Because there is no written document to prove that the national civil servants have the legal power, then how do they protect a normal person’s right like me?
57. 虽然在该案中一部分国家公职人员伪造了诊断结果,但是我仍然相信自己的权利有朝一日能收到维护,所以我9年以来奔走各处,支出了15万余元,致使我最终一贫如洗。
57. Although some national civil servants in this case forged the diagnosis report, I still believe that my right can be protected in some day. Thus, in the past 9 years I ran around and cost over one hundred and fifty thousand Yuan, making me as poor as a church mouse.  
58. 为什么就因为我投诉了他们,他们就没有给我享受国家残疾人援助金及低保呢?
58. Just because I complained them, did they have the power to deprive my right of getting the national living subsidies and allowance to the disable?
59. 政府向残疾人发放生活补助金是一个单独的问题,与投诉这件事并无关系,投诉是由政府受理的问题,为什么他们以我投诉为由不给我救助金,并告诉我什么时候撤销投诉,什么时候准予给我发放救助金呢?
59. It is another issue for the government to give the disable the national living subsidies and it has no relation with the complaint thing. Complaint should be solved by the government, why did they use this as a reason to refuse to give me the subsidies and tell me I could have the subsidies when I undo complaint?
60. 这种行为不仅没有让我这个原告受益,反而给我带来了巨大的损失,难道这就是所谓的为人民服务吗???
60. I do not get any benefit from it, instead it brings me large loses. Is this so-called “serving the people”?
61. 为人民服务的领导干部们,你们究竟在哪儿???
61. Leaders, where are you? You said you serve the people!
62. General Secretary, Xi Jinping say we must fight against corruptness and promote integrity. Is there any leader respond to the call and strictly publish those people forging the diagnosis?
63. 如果有,希望这些领导能维护我的合法权益,那么像我这样受到欺压的百姓也就得以欣慰了!!!
63. If there are some leaders protecting my legal right, then people like me having suffered a lot can feel better!!!
伸冤人:吾不力艾山•阿布杜克热木(音译)ubulasan abdukerim,居住于和田市拉斯奎镇阿克塔什村469号,因接二连三的受到欺压,最终使我成为了残疾人,亦使我在9年以来损失了很多…
Victim: Ubulasan Abdukerim, living in 469 Aktax Village, Laskuy Township, Hotan City. Because of continuous unfair treatment, I became a disable person and suffered a lot in 9 years…
Tel: 13150498983-13119034779  
QQ: 184304220








ئاكتىپ ئەزا

ئۆسۈش   49.77%

ئەزا ئۇچۇرى
تىزىم نۇمۇرى:  13559
يازما سانى: 311
نادىر تېمىسى: 0
مۇنبەر پۇلى: 313
تۆھپە : 845
توردىكى ۋاقتى: 158
ئاخىرقى: 2016-1-7
يوللىغان ۋاقتى 2013-2-26 20:29:13 |ھەممە قەۋەتنى كۆرۈش
قىستىلىش، قىستىلىپ تۇرۇپ تالىشىش ،قايسىلا ساھاگە قارىماڭ شۇنداق، ئادىمىيلىكتىن يىراقلاپ ھايۋانلىققا سىلجىۋاتقاندەك تۇيغۇ بىرىدۇ.







تىرىشچان ئەزا

ئۆسۈش   32.7%

ئەزا ئۇچۇرى
تىزىم نۇمۇرى:  15091
يازما سانى: 75
نادىر تېمىسى: 0
مۇنبەر پۇلى: 79
تۆھپە : 377
توردىكى ۋاقتى: 95
ئاخىرقى: 2016-3-23
يوللىغان ۋاقتى 2013-2-26 20:39:59 |ھەممە قەۋەتنى كۆرۈش
ئانا تىل مەكتەپلىرنى ئاساسلىق تىل مەكتەپلەرگە قۇشقاندىن تارتىپ مىللي ئوقۇتقۇچىلارنىڭ ئاساسى تىل ئوقۇتقۇچىلار ئارسىدىكى  بىرەر يەردە بۇلسىمۇ خىزمىتنى ساخلاپ قىلىش جەرياندىكى قىستىلىش.
ماددى بۇيۇم سىتۋىلىش جەرياندىكى پۇلدار ئاكلار سۇدا سارايلاردا بۇلسا، بىز بىچچارلەر ئوتتۇرسىدىكى تۇكمە ماللارنى سىتۋىلىش ئۇرۇنلىردىكى قىستىلىش.
مەنچە قىستىلىشلار بەكمۇ كۇپكەن مەن داۋاملىق قىستىلىش ئارقىلىق ئالدىمىدىكى ۋە كەينىمىزدىكىلەرنىڭ ئاچچىقنى كەلتۇرۇپ ئۇينايمىكىن دەيمەن.
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